Tuesday, November 17, 2009

11/17/09 subtraction

Three types of spaces are now defined by one another. It's a subtractive way to think of space.

Thermal Bath is showing this idea well. By thinking certain programs as solid blocks, the rest of space is formed. The benefit of doing this is that it generates an "clearly-recognizable" design. Without having one to one relationship between space type and its apperance. (i.e. fixed for circle, fluid for triangle, program+circulation for square)

I treated this model as jello again, in rhino version. After removing all floor plans, I made a box and perforated with cone-shaped columns: which is going to be void space in the end.
And then in order to keep the floor slope, I created two big planes with same slope from the webbing circulations. so the floors are the result of subtracting columns from those planes.

The work is better shown in plan view. I like the point that the size of void space slightly changes between floors. And overall it looks as if the void space is actually subtracted. However at the same time it doesn't look right to me, still. Fixed space are shown as solid, program+circulation as gray, void as white. ( Not sure if we need to mark fluid space with orange color.) I think it is because all types still have their own shapes (rounded corner rectangle and cone)

I still need to consider structure and light matters as well.
(Yet they are not a one-way progress but an interactive concerns)